Aperture Diaphragm (Apperture)
Without light, there would be no photography.Art photography is basically seeing and balancing the light with the environment so beautifully recorded. This is where the importance of the diaphragm.
Without light, there would be no photography.Art photography is basically seeing and balancing the light with the environment so beautifully recorded. This is where the importance of the diaphragm.
The diaphragm is a mechanism in the lens that regulates the amount of light that enters the camera. Section contained in the lens array sheet forming a hole or loop can change the size.
It is clear that the aperture is located in the lens acts as a gate that controls the amount of light to reach the sensor. The larger the aperture opening, the more light that enters and conversely the smaller the aperture the less light that enters.
F-number is a number that indicates the diameter of mathematical aperture. This is the most important part to understand how aperture and exposure work. All F-Number has a unique notation such as f/5.6 and so on. There are several series of F-Number but the most commonly used are:
[] / # 1.4 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32.
Above numbers also known as the F-Number Full-Stop. If the F-Number lowered by one (1) full stop like f / 4 to f/2.8, then the amount of incoming light will increase. If the upgraded F-Number to 1 (one) full-stop like f/5.6 to f / 8, then only half of the total light to be captured by the sensor.
- The High F-Number = smaller aperture = incoming light slightly
- The larger the F-Number = bigger aperture = more light coming
The number of digits in a lens aperture also depends on the ability of the lens to pass light. For example, the wide-angle lens (wide angle) with fewer and shorter lens arrangement will be putting more light, usually diaphragm figure could reach 1.4. While the composition of telephoto lenses and long lenses more usually the lowest diaphragm is approximately 4 or 5.6. For special purposes there is also a telephoto lens with a 1.4 aperture to figure that usually have a very large lens.
Aperture view (Focal Length)
Lens Focal Length in providing guidance on the opening angle of a lens and the size of the image relative to the object. Focal length is usually specified in millimeters (mm). Focal length on a DSLR camera:
Lens Focal Length in providing guidance on the opening angle of a lens and the size of the image relative to the object. Focal length is usually specified in millimeters (mm). Focal length on a DSLR camera:
* 20 mm = 94 degrees
* 35 mm = 63 degrees
* 28 mm = 75 degrees
* 50 mm = 46 degrees
* 85 mm = 28 degrees
* 135 mm = 24 degrees
* 200 mm = 12 degrees
* 300 mm = 8 degrees
* 400 mm = 6 degrees
Shutter Speed (Shutter Speed) is a fast or slow shutter work opened and closed again.Shutter Speed controls the long light on the film.
Shutter worked as a window. Shutter was in the field of film and always covered when not pressed the shutter release, to protect the film from light fields. When the shutter release is pressed, the shutter opens and closes again so that light can enter and illuminate the film.
For shutter speed is calculated in units per second, ie: 1, 2, 4; 8; 15, 30, 60; 125; 250; 500; 1000; 2000; and B. Number 1 means the shutter opens with a speed of 1/2000 seconds and so on.
The longer the shutter is open, the more light is captured by the sensor. If you take pictures of objects that are moving at a fast-shutter speed setting then the objects would "freeze" or silence. But if it is set to a slow shutter then the object will appear to move.
Some stop for the shutter speed scale, as well as aperture, namely:
* 1/1000s
* 1/500s
* 1/250s
* 1/125s
* 1/60s
* 1/30s
* 1/15s
* 1/8s
* 1/4s
* 1/2s
* 1s exposure (exposure) the most important thing to consider in doing a photo shoot is a lighting element. Lighting is dicahayainya process film in the camera. In this case the received light enough so that the object must be recorded in the movie.Exposure or lighting process is a combination of several factors how long the sensor captures light, how much light is come, and how sensitive the sensor is to light. Exposure involves a combination of things, namely the magnitude of diaphragm openings (apperture) which is behind the lens and into the incoming light, the shutter speed (shutter) which determines how long the shutter will open, seta film sensitivity (ISO).
Those three things determine the success of photographers in getting the film normal tercahayai, the light that comes into the movie according to the required object, not excess light (over-exposed) or light deprivation (under-exposed).
The images is determined by the proper lighting so it does not under-exposure or high-exposure. Over-exposure occurs because too many sensors capture light so that an image or photograph be too bright. While under-exposure occurs because too few sensors capture light so that an image or photograph be dark.
Focus (Focus)
Good photo is a photo that focus. Focusing is a set of activities undertaken object image sharpness by turning the focus ring on the lens so that the object seen in the viewfinder are clearly becoming less clear initially (focus). Focus is said to focus when objects appear clear and sharp or have firm lines (not blurred). In the focus ring there are the numbers that indicate the distance (in meters or feet) object to the lens.
Depth of Field
Depth of Field (DOF) or sharpness space is one of the most basic photography techniques. DOF function determines the sharpness of the object to be photographed.Is the object made it all or just focus on the main object into focus while the other object is not being focused. For example, by using a diaphragm or with wide aperture 1.4 then all the objects before and after the object will appear blurry. While the use of a small aperture diaphragm 22 or so objects in the object form the focus and the background is clear.
Each photograph has a depth (depth) is divided into front (foreground) and (background) focus on the camera lens can be controlled or directed at a particular object. DOF control is also useful to limit the focus on the photo and gives a vivid impression of the photo. White Balance (WB)On a digital camera found the term White Balance (WB) , which means the color of the camera's ability to read the temperature in degrees Kelvin (K). Color temperature is a way to measure the quality of light. Light with a high color temperature (Kelvin values are high) have more blue light than with a low color temperature (Kelvin value is low).1. Auto White Balance
On the automatic setting, the camera white balance settings will look the most natural, the same as the original.
2. Tungsten
Used to normalize images under tungsten light (incandescent lamp / bulb yellow / bulb).If used in normal environment then the resulting effect being bluish.
3. Flourescet
This setting is used to normalize the image under fluorescent lights, or more commonly called white neon.
4. Day Light
This setting will normalize the images that are on excessive light, such as in outdoor conditions during the day bathed in sunlight.
5. Cloudy
Used to supplement and strengthen the brownish yellow color. White Balance is selected in the drawing dusk or early morning when the sun meyingsing sun, the color of the can is much more artistic.
There are several filters that are needed in the digital world.
Techniques Digital Dark Room (Darkroom)
Picture Black & White (Monochrome)
There are several filters that are needed in the digital world.
- The most important filter is the UV filter .UV filters will reduce the damage in the image and lens hygiene.
- Polarizing Circular filters . This filter can help get blue sky and eliminate shadows in the water.
- Close-up filters which can help reduce the focusing distance and helps when shooting in macro.
- Colours filters . Filter consisting of a Polaris color sheet. Used for certain effects.
- Conversion filters . Filter consisting of a sheet Polaris with color conversion filter. Used to provide a brighter effect.
- Fider filters . Filter consisting of two linear PL filter are combined into one.
- ND filters . This filter serves to reduce the power of light.
- Nebula filters . Filter which produces an image with radial rays effect of a rainbow.
Techniques Digital Dark Room (Darkroom)
Technique Digital Darkroom is an image editing process by using computer software such as Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Gimp, etc.. The process is usually done with this technique, among others, brighten images, cropping, dodging and burning, sharpening, contrast adjustment, color correction and white balance, etc..
Is the process of adjusting an image retouching such as removing acne, restoring old images, etc..
Picture Black & White (Monochrome)
Black and white image around can be generated using digital darkroom techniques.This process is very easy to do in the digital world.
(sources from Corat-Coret)
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