Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone. This time is a very crucial things happened in our daily life. For example, do you ever feel like a plastic bag, where people throw away when it being used? And you start to question yourself, "Is there any good people these days?"
As a member in PURBAcolour, we are being told that, to meet someone who is the one that you wanted, you have to be like that first. It means, if you want to meet someone who is kind, you have to be kind first. If you want someone to help you, you have to help people first.
That's right, people. You have to be like who you wanted to meet. Like one of our members used to said, "Happiness does not come right in front of you." So, based on that words, instead of creating happiness, we capture happiness in a picture. Because we are making smiles to the people who view or see our pictures. Why? Because it is the pictures of the one who smiles.
So, why not start to be kind today. Meet new people and smiles when you meet your friends. It's a common courtesy. And it is the best things to do to be good and kind. Finally, here's some pictures that will make you smiles.
26 September 2013
23 September 2013
Life: Integrity Is Important
Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone. In PURBAcolour, we have learned something on the current event that we have shot. It is about the Integrity Talk, held at Dewan Wawasan, IPG Campus of Kota Bharu. The Talk conducted by Mr. Nazrin which the panels are among the IPG's students itself.
The most important things that we have learned during the Talk, do we really know about Integrity? Are we doing it right? Or we just know but do not even doing it? Or do we just let others practice integrity and we do what we do for ourselves?
Integrity is an attitude, which is good, that we show to others or to ourselves. Basically it is all about our attitude. Don't understand? Simple. Just being nice and do the right things even everyone else does not did it.
During the Talk, the panels are most closely talk about the students in IPG and about the current education's issues. Well, that did open so many eyes of the viewer. But most importantly, it is the best issue to be talked about in public.
After the talk, the miracle of the integrity itself came into a lecturer, Mr. Din, a music lecturer, who decided to teach the right way of singing the National anthem, Guru Malaysia's song, IPG's song and Kelantan anthem. We were astounded and proud that there is still a lot of integrity inside a teacher after hearing about the issue among teachers these days.
There are not a lot of pictures taken because we were too concentrated on that Talk. But still, we try to capture some of the moments for you to feel what we felt during the Talk. Enjoy and have a good day.
The most important things that we have learned during the Talk, do we really know about Integrity? Are we doing it right? Or we just know but do not even doing it? Or do we just let others practice integrity and we do what we do for ourselves?
Integrity is an attitude, which is good, that we show to others or to ourselves. Basically it is all about our attitude. Don't understand? Simple. Just being nice and do the right things even everyone else does not did it.
During the Talk, the panels are most closely talk about the students in IPG and about the current education's issues. Well, that did open so many eyes of the viewer. But most importantly, it is the best issue to be talked about in public.
After the talk, the miracle of the integrity itself came into a lecturer, Mr. Din, a music lecturer, who decided to teach the right way of singing the National anthem, Guru Malaysia's song, IPG's song and Kelantan anthem. We were astounded and proud that there is still a lot of integrity inside a teacher after hearing about the issue among teachers these days.
There are not a lot of pictures taken because we were too concentrated on that Talk. But still, we try to capture some of the moments for you to feel what we felt during the Talk. Enjoy and have a good day.
21 September 2013
Project: Happiness Do Not End
Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone. On 20th September 2013, we are doing a freelance photo-shoot with the theme of 'Happiness Do Not End'. We are doing it at Pantai Irama, Bachok, Kelantan Darul Naim. Of course it is a bad time to go at the morning, but we just follow the mastermind about the idea, the talent. It was great and at the same time it was hot at 10 am. Here are some of the pictures that was taken there:
For more photos, you can view it in our Facebook page HERE
14 September 2013
Pictures: Different People With Different Style
Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone. When it comes to taking a picture, some people have their intention. Others are just for fun. Why am I mention that? Because in PURBAcolour we have a lot of photographer. So, different photographer have different style and technique. I will tell you the different kind of styles and technique that most people usually does when taking a picture. So, I will be focusing on the one who is holding the camera, not the one who become the object inside the picture.
Loving Yourself
This style is a one-man photographer. They intended to take pictures of themselves. Usually, most of them using phone's camera or digital camera. It is because it is not too heavy and easy to carry everywhere. The most important things is how they look when they taking pictures of themselves. It may focusing on the face or the tiny little pimples on their face. After that, they may have stored it or most of us will publish it on social media like Facebook. So, as an art lover and a man who cares about others, I would recommend that you should not posted on social media because it can be downloaded by other people. You know the consequences.
Scenery Attraction
For some people, they love to see the scenery of a place or time. This was usually happened to the people who love the work of art such as poetry or writing. It could be anywhere or anytime. It could be dawn, sunset, high noon or it could be the traffic, the tourist attraction. This kind of style usually focusing on the bigger picture, not the tiny detail such as people or animals. It is certainly focusing on the place or scenery that make our eyes melting away. For other reasons, they may have captured it so they will make it as desktop wallpaper, or a picture frame. It is convenience yet saving the budget to buy a new picture.
People Magnet
This kind of style is kind of perverted. Maybe, for some people. But this style usually works when there is an event involving a lot of guest. It the kind of styles where you take a picture of a person. Maybe another two or all the guest. It is a good memorabilia if we would want to make it as an album. It is also good for a sports event where there is some actions going on. The picture could be the very second someone kicking the ball or someone trying to jump and the picture show the person seems like flying. But there is a negative side of this style where people intended to take 'perverted' pictures. I don't have to give examples because you know it.
Mouth Watering Addiction
It is the most common style among everyone, whether a DSLR users or other type of camera. It is because when a person take a photo of the food that they are about to eat it, it can cause a catastrophe. Why? Because the hungry people (not specifically pointed to the poor) will have their stomach grumble. When it happened, they intended to buy food even they are already eat. It could cause the losing of money and the increasing of people body's fat. So, try to avoid it. It could be harmful.
Closer & Closer
This is kind of weird but when it goes with the right object, it could be beautiful. People who are using this style is the person who like to express beautiful small object and turning it bigger as the eyes could see it clearly. For example, small flowers, insect and dusts.
These were common among people these days. I will update it if there is other style that we might seen or hear. Enjoy your day and keep smiling.
Knowledge: Technical Aspect of Photography
Aperture Diaphragm (Apperture)
Without light, there would be no photography.Art photography is basically seeing and balancing the light with the environment so beautifully recorded. This is where the importance of the diaphragm.
Without light, there would be no photography.Art photography is basically seeing and balancing the light with the environment so beautifully recorded. This is where the importance of the diaphragm.
The diaphragm is a mechanism in the lens that regulates the amount of light that enters the camera. Section contained in the lens array sheet forming a hole or loop can change the size.
It is clear that the aperture is located in the lens acts as a gate that controls the amount of light to reach the sensor. The larger the aperture opening, the more light that enters and conversely the smaller the aperture the less light that enters.
F-number is a number that indicates the diameter of mathematical aperture. This is the most important part to understand how aperture and exposure work. All F-Number has a unique notation such as f/5.6 and so on. There are several series of F-Number but the most commonly used are:
[] / # 1.4 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32.
Above numbers also known as the F-Number Full-Stop. If the F-Number lowered by one (1) full stop like f / 4 to f/2.8, then the amount of incoming light will increase. If the upgraded F-Number to 1 (one) full-stop like f/5.6 to f / 8, then only half of the total light to be captured by the sensor.
- The High F-Number = smaller aperture = incoming light slightly
- The larger the F-Number = bigger aperture = more light coming
The number of digits in a lens aperture also depends on the ability of the lens to pass light. For example, the wide-angle lens (wide angle) with fewer and shorter lens arrangement will be putting more light, usually diaphragm figure could reach 1.4. While the composition of telephoto lenses and long lenses more usually the lowest diaphragm is approximately 4 or 5.6. For special purposes there is also a telephoto lens with a 1.4 aperture to figure that usually have a very large lens.
Aperture view (Focal Length)
Lens Focal Length in providing guidance on the opening angle of a lens and the size of the image relative to the object. Focal length is usually specified in millimeters (mm). Focal length on a DSLR camera:
Lens Focal Length in providing guidance on the opening angle of a lens and the size of the image relative to the object. Focal length is usually specified in millimeters (mm). Focal length on a DSLR camera:
* 20 mm = 94 degrees
* 35 mm = 63 degrees
* 28 mm = 75 degrees
* 50 mm = 46 degrees
* 85 mm = 28 degrees
* 135 mm = 24 degrees
* 200 mm = 12 degrees
* 300 mm = 8 degrees
* 400 mm = 6 degrees
Shutter Speed (Shutter Speed) is a fast or slow shutter work opened and closed again.Shutter Speed controls the long light on the film.
Shutter worked as a window. Shutter was in the field of film and always covered when not pressed the shutter release, to protect the film from light fields. When the shutter release is pressed, the shutter opens and closes again so that light can enter and illuminate the film.
For shutter speed is calculated in units per second, ie: 1, 2, 4; 8; 15, 30, 60; 125; 250; 500; 1000; 2000; and B. Number 1 means the shutter opens with a speed of 1/2000 seconds and so on.
The longer the shutter is open, the more light is captured by the sensor. If you take pictures of objects that are moving at a fast-shutter speed setting then the objects would "freeze" or silence. But if it is set to a slow shutter then the object will appear to move.
Some stop for the shutter speed scale, as well as aperture, namely:
* 1/1000s
* 1/500s
* 1/250s
* 1/125s
* 1/60s
* 1/30s
* 1/15s
* 1/8s
* 1/4s
* 1/2s
* 1s exposure (exposure) the most important thing to consider in doing a photo shoot is a lighting element. Lighting is dicahayainya process film in the camera. In this case the received light enough so that the object must be recorded in the movie.Exposure or lighting process is a combination of several factors how long the sensor captures light, how much light is come, and how sensitive the sensor is to light. Exposure involves a combination of things, namely the magnitude of diaphragm openings (apperture) which is behind the lens and into the incoming light, the shutter speed (shutter) which determines how long the shutter will open, seta film sensitivity (ISO).
Those three things determine the success of photographers in getting the film normal tercahayai, the light that comes into the movie according to the required object, not excess light (over-exposed) or light deprivation (under-exposed).
The images is determined by the proper lighting so it does not under-exposure or high-exposure. Over-exposure occurs because too many sensors capture light so that an image or photograph be too bright. While under-exposure occurs because too few sensors capture light so that an image or photograph be dark.
Focus (Focus)
Good photo is a photo that focus. Focusing is a set of activities undertaken object image sharpness by turning the focus ring on the lens so that the object seen in the viewfinder are clearly becoming less clear initially (focus). Focus is said to focus when objects appear clear and sharp or have firm lines (not blurred). In the focus ring there are the numbers that indicate the distance (in meters or feet) object to the lens.
Depth of Field
Depth of Field (DOF) or sharpness space is one of the most basic photography techniques. DOF function determines the sharpness of the object to be photographed.Is the object made it all or just focus on the main object into focus while the other object is not being focused. For example, by using a diaphragm or with wide aperture 1.4 then all the objects before and after the object will appear blurry. While the use of a small aperture diaphragm 22 or so objects in the object form the focus and the background is clear.
Each photograph has a depth (depth) is divided into front (foreground) and (background) focus on the camera lens can be controlled or directed at a particular object. DOF control is also useful to limit the focus on the photo and gives a vivid impression of the photo. White Balance (WB)On a digital camera found the term White Balance (WB) , which means the color of the camera's ability to read the temperature in degrees Kelvin (K). Color temperature is a way to measure the quality of light. Light with a high color temperature (Kelvin values are high) have more blue light than with a low color temperature (Kelvin value is low).1. Auto White Balance
On the automatic setting, the camera white balance settings will look the most natural, the same as the original.
2. Tungsten
Used to normalize images under tungsten light (incandescent lamp / bulb yellow / bulb).If used in normal environment then the resulting effect being bluish.
3. Flourescet
This setting is used to normalize the image under fluorescent lights, or more commonly called white neon.
4. Day Light
This setting will normalize the images that are on excessive light, such as in outdoor conditions during the day bathed in sunlight.
5. Cloudy
Used to supplement and strengthen the brownish yellow color. White Balance is selected in the drawing dusk or early morning when the sun meyingsing sun, the color of the can is much more artistic.
There are several filters that are needed in the digital world.
Techniques Digital Dark Room (Darkroom)
Picture Black & White (Monochrome)
There are several filters that are needed in the digital world.
- The most important filter is the UV filter .UV filters will reduce the damage in the image and lens hygiene.
- Polarizing Circular filters . This filter can help get blue sky and eliminate shadows in the water.
- Close-up filters which can help reduce the focusing distance and helps when shooting in macro.
- Colours filters . Filter consisting of a Polaris color sheet. Used for certain effects.
- Conversion filters . Filter consisting of a sheet Polaris with color conversion filter. Used to provide a brighter effect.
- Fider filters . Filter consisting of two linear PL filter are combined into one.
- ND filters . This filter serves to reduce the power of light.
- Nebula filters . Filter which produces an image with radial rays effect of a rainbow.
Techniques Digital Dark Room (Darkroom)
Technique Digital Darkroom is an image editing process by using computer software such as Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Gimp, etc.. The process is usually done with this technique, among others, brighten images, cropping, dodging and burning, sharpening, contrast adjustment, color correction and white balance, etc..
Is the process of adjusting an image retouching such as removing acne, restoring old images, etc..
Picture Black & White (Monochrome)
Black and white image around can be generated using digital darkroom techniques.This process is very easy to do in the digital world.
(sources from Corat-Coret)
Knowledge: Copyright
Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. It is a form of intellectual property (like the patent, the trademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.
(sources from Wikipedia)
In Malaysia, there are a law involving copyright. In Malaysia, Copyright is the exclusive right given to the owner of a copyright for a specific period. Copyright protection in Malaysia is governed by the Copyright Act 1987. There is no system of registration for copyright in Malaysia.
A work that is eligible is protected automatically upon fulfillment of the following conditions:-
What Does Copyright Protect?
Works eligible for protection are;
However, the copyright protection shall only extend to expression and not ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such.
Who Owns Copyright?
Copyrights in a work vests initially in the author (writer, composer, maker of the work, etc). However, where the making of a work is made by an employee in the course of his employment, unless there is any contrary agreement, the copyright in the work shall be deemed to vest in the person who commissioned the work or the employer. The author's right is transferable by assignment, testamentary disposition or by operation of law, in which case the assignee shall be the owner.
How long does copyright last?
Literary, Musical or Artistic Works
Generally, copyright in any literary, musical or artistic work shall subsist during the life of the author plus 50 years after his death. However, if a work has not been published during the lifetime of the author, copyright in the work continues to subsist until the expiration of 50 years, following the year in which the work was first published. In the case of a work with joint authorship, the life of the author who dies last is used for the purpose of calculating the copyright duration of the work.
Sound Recordings
The copyright in sound recordings shall subsist until the expiry of a period of 50 years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the recording was first published or, if the sound recording has not been published, from the beginning of the calendar year following the year of fixation.
For the copyright in broadcasts, the duration shall continue to subsist until the expiry of a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the broadcasts was first made.
The duration of the copyright in films shall continue to subsist for a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the film was first published or first made available to the public or made, whichever is the last.
Government Works
Copyright in works of Government, Government organizations and international bodies shall continue to subsist until the expiry of a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the work was first published.
What Are The Legal Rights Of Copyright Owners?
Generally, owners of copyright works in literary, musical or artistic works, films and sound recordings have the exclusive rights to control:
These exclusive rights apply irrespective of whether the works are copied partly or wholly. Thus, infringement of copyright occurs if the person claiming can show that the defendant has done such an act. In other words, the burden of proof lies on the person claiming that his/her work has been infringed.
Copyright in Broadcasts
For the copyright in a broadcast, there shall be exclusive rights to control the recording, the reproduction, and the rebroadcasting of the whole or a substantial part of the broadcast. The show or the play must be made in public and in a place where an admission fee is charged for the whole or a substantial part of the broadcast either in its original form or in any way recognizably derived from the original. The copyright in a television broadcast shall include the right to control the taking of still photographs from such broadcasts.
Economic Rights
Economic rights are exercised during the period of protection. These rights are exercised by the owners while alive, and upon death, for a period of 50 years by their heirs.
Moral Rights
Besides the economic rights, copyright protection also includes moral rights. The moral rights are basically the rights to oppose changes in the copyright that could harm the reputation of the creator.
What Constitutes Copyright Infringement?
The copyright in a work infringed when a person who, not being owner of the copyright, and without license from the owner, does or authorizes any of the following acts:-
What Is Copyright Tribunal?
The Malaysian Copyright Act provides for a Copyright Tribunal whose function is to grant licenses to produce and publish in the National Language a translation of a literary work written in any other language and arbitration of disputes relating to use of copyright works.
(sources from Perbadanan Harta Intelek Malaysia)
(sources from Wikipedia)
In Malaysia, there are a law involving copyright. In Malaysia, Copyright is the exclusive right given to the owner of a copyright for a specific period. Copyright protection in Malaysia is governed by the Copyright Act 1987. There is no system of registration for copyright in Malaysia.
A work that is eligible is protected automatically upon fulfillment of the following conditions:-
- sufficient effort has been expected to make the work original in character
- the work has been written down, recorded or reduced to a material form
- the author is qualified person or the work is made in Malaysia or the workis first published in Malaysia
What Does Copyright Protect?
Works eligible for protection are;
- literary works
- musical works
- artistic works
- films
- sound recordings
- broadcasts
- derivative works
However, the copyright protection shall only extend to expression and not ideas, procedures, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such.
Who Owns Copyright?
Copyrights in a work vests initially in the author (writer, composer, maker of the work, etc). However, where the making of a work is made by an employee in the course of his employment, unless there is any contrary agreement, the copyright in the work shall be deemed to vest in the person who commissioned the work or the employer. The author's right is transferable by assignment, testamentary disposition or by operation of law, in which case the assignee shall be the owner.
How long does copyright last?
Literary, Musical or Artistic Works
Generally, copyright in any literary, musical or artistic work shall subsist during the life of the author plus 50 years after his death. However, if a work has not been published during the lifetime of the author, copyright in the work continues to subsist until the expiration of 50 years, following the year in which the work was first published. In the case of a work with joint authorship, the life of the author who dies last is used for the purpose of calculating the copyright duration of the work.
Sound Recordings
The copyright in sound recordings shall subsist until the expiry of a period of 50 years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the recording was first published or, if the sound recording has not been published, from the beginning of the calendar year following the year of fixation.
For the copyright in broadcasts, the duration shall continue to subsist until the expiry of a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the broadcasts was first made.
The duration of the copyright in films shall continue to subsist for a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the film was first published or first made available to the public or made, whichever is the last.
Government Works
Copyright in works of Government, Government organizations and international bodies shall continue to subsist until the expiry of a period of fifty years computed from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the work was first published.
What Are The Legal Rights Of Copyright Owners?
Generally, owners of copyright works in literary, musical or artistic works, films and sound recordings have the exclusive rights to control:
- the reproduction of the works in any form (including photocopying, recording etc)
- the performing, showing or playing to the public
- the communication to the public
- the distribution of copies to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership
- the commercial rental to the public
These exclusive rights apply irrespective of whether the works are copied partly or wholly. Thus, infringement of copyright occurs if the person claiming can show that the defendant has done such an act. In other words, the burden of proof lies on the person claiming that his/her work has been infringed.
Copyright in Broadcasts
For the copyright in a broadcast, there shall be exclusive rights to control the recording, the reproduction, and the rebroadcasting of the whole or a substantial part of the broadcast. The show or the play must be made in public and in a place where an admission fee is charged for the whole or a substantial part of the broadcast either in its original form or in any way recognizably derived from the original. The copyright in a television broadcast shall include the right to control the taking of still photographs from such broadcasts.
Economic Rights
Economic rights are exercised during the period of protection. These rights are exercised by the owners while alive, and upon death, for a period of 50 years by their heirs.
Moral Rights
Besides the economic rights, copyright protection also includes moral rights. The moral rights are basically the rights to oppose changes in the copyright that could harm the reputation of the creator.
What Constitutes Copyright Infringement?
The copyright in a work infringed when a person who, not being owner of the copyright, and without license from the owner, does or authorizes any of the following acts:-
- reproduces in any material form, performs, shows or plays or distributes to the public
- communicates by cable or broadcast of the whole work or a substantial part thereof either in its original or derivative form
- imports any article into Malaysia for the purpose of trade or financial gains
- makes for sale or hire any infringing copy
- sells, lets for hire or by way of trade, exposes or offers for sale or hire any infringing copy
- distributes infringing copies
- possesses, otherwise than for his private and domestic use, any infringing copy
- by way of trade, exhibits in public any infringing copy
- imports into Malaysia, otherwise than for his private and domestic use, an infringing copy
- makes or has in his possession any contrivance used or intended to be used for the purpose of making infringing copies
- causes the work to be performed in public
What Is Copyright Tribunal?
The Malaysian Copyright Act provides for a Copyright Tribunal whose function is to grant licenses to produce and publish in the National Language a translation of a literary work written in any other language and arbitration of disputes relating to use of copyright works.
(sources from Perbadanan Harta Intelek Malaysia)
12 September 2013
The First Job
Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone. Well, since the first day PURBAcolour Productions being establish, we are looking for some job. Luckily, here in IPG Campus Kota Bharu are currently having Sukan Tahunan (SUKTA) or Annual Sports Event. So at first we were trying to shoot some photos by our own. But recently, the sports bureau offered us a job to capture the moment of fighting for the name of sports. It means, we were offered to be the photographer for the event. We were excited and felt awesome. Although there were some of us were participating in the event but it will not stop our excitement to be a photographer. Here are some photos that has been taken during the event.
Even we become the photographer for the event, we are trying to take some picture that will make an identity for PURBAcolour. Like I said, we are learning through the job so we make it the best as we could. And also we are still offering some job to the people who read this blog. If you are really interested, do contact us. We are really appreciating your commitment and enthusiasm to be a part of our family.
Back to the job, there are some photos that we would like to publish as a sample for the people who like to see our work. For that, you could find a tab named 'Shutter Speed' above this post. Hopefully our dreams will become a reality. May the world smile with the art work of PURBAcolour Productions.
08 September 2013
History: The Creator of PURBACOLOUR Productions
Every success came with an effort. Every effort started with a teamwork. Every teamwork came with an idea and every idea came from a mastermind. So, let us introduce to all of you the creator of PURBACOLOUR productions which came from two different person with the idea to learn and to be commercialize.
Dean Eusoff
Instagram: dean_eusoff
Instagram: dean_eusoff
WeChat: dean_eusoff
Taiping, Perak
21 tahun
Acting, Taking Photos
Early Education:
-SK Changkat Jering
-MRSM Transkrian
Currently studying in IPG Kampus Kota Bharu
in Teaching English as Second Language (TESL)
Fahmi Hisham
Instagram: sirehputeh
WeChat: sirehputeh
Johor Bahru, Johor
21 Years Old
Cooking, Fishing, Taking Pictures, Blogging, Shopping, Acting
Early Education:
-SK Perumahan SEDC
-SMK Tasek Utara
-SM Teknik (ERT) Azizah
Currently studying in IPG Kampus Kota Bharu
in Remedial Education
PURBACOLOUR was established on 7th September 2013 with two people who creatively planned to turn something classic and old into a beautiful memorabilia. Working independently, PURBACOLOUR started as an amateur productions with an ambitious work everyday. A small crew with some experiences cherish the art work in the photo imaging world.
Still, we inviting everyone who is interested to join us with the enthusiasm to learn and to be part of the community. There are several job vacancy to be offer for those who interested. Contact us by clicking the 'Contact Us' tab above the blog post.
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